Signal: Sunqiao

In Shanghai, an architectural company revealed their plans to build a 100-hectare green district which is able to feed over 24 million people when it’s finished. The district uses different techniques such as algae farms and floating greenhouses. This district might be the answer to the question ‘how are we going to keep people healthy in…

Signal: Shooz

Modular footwear to mix and match your personal style. With a zipper connecting the sole and the skin, you can add any skin to the sole depending on what mood you are. They have athletic, casual and slip-on options. The skin is on average about half the price of a ‘normal’ shoe making it a…


Constantly rushing, taking care of the kids, going to work, going to the gym, sleep and then all over again the next day. Stress society. How much more can we take and how much more do we want to take. Even though yoga has been around for many centuries lately it started to get really…

About For Someone

‘For someone’ is a Lifestyle blog created by Marjolein van der Woude in order to store found signals and practice blog writing. On ‘For Someone’ you can find blogpost about different trends and signals. Signals are new and innovating products and changes that can be found anywhere. Usually behind every product there is a need…